Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Bottom Line

I try my best to be a calm mother. I take deep breaths, and I count. I ignore my children if it's in the best interest of everyone involved so child services doesn't get called. And if things are going haywire in the car, I turn my music up and tell myself that it's better for the kids to beat the shit out of each other than for me to overturn our car trying to avert the inevitable.

We had quite a few errands to run with quite a bit of driving today, and Campbell was in a horrible mood. She cried because she was thirsty, then she cried because she threw her water bottle out of reach. Didn't want shoes, then wanted them back on. Wanted Mimi (special blankie), then tossed her (it) on the just went on and on. And on. And on. I tried the music and the ignoring, but she just screamed louder since she's so sensitive to loud noises (except herself).

After what seemed like three months of enclosed car torture, Porter finally turned to Campbell and said "You know what your problem is? You cry too much!"

She was silent for the rest of the ride.

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