Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Wisdom of an Older Brother

I just caught the tail-end of a conversation between Po and Cam as they lay in their beds for nap time. I was fully prepared to intervene as soon as inaccurate information was provided. The conversation was about death.

Cam was talking and I caught her say "...but I don't want to die. We don't want to die."

"Well," Po said with authority, "don't worry about it, but everyone dies."

"No," said Cam.

"Yes," said Po, "and dying is when your heart stops beating and you go to the doctor and he can't fix you."

"Oh," said Cam, with some wonder in her voice.

"And you have to eat food so you don't die."


"But don't worry. Mommy will be with us every day forever and ever and ever."


I said I'd intervene if anything inaccurate was said, but I just didn't have the heart. I think this conversation between a four and two-year-old is best left as-is. I hope he doesn't move on to sex education.

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