Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Package

Po has been working really hard to quit sucking his thumb. He wears a bandage on his thumb each day as a reminder, and we have a two-week-long chart to track his progress. He's gone thirteen days straight with no sucking, so tomorrow is the big day when he gets his reward. I ordered it from Amazon to arrive tomorrow, but it came a day early.

Of course, Po knows what's inside, and he's parading the Amazon box around. We can't open it until tomorrow, though!

Cam is caught up in all of the excitement, so she's following him around the house, and he keeps trying to find a place for the Amazon box so she can't reach it, to no avail. So he had a little chat with her:

"Cam. It's my package, and it's special to me. I don't want you touching my package. I drew a girl on it with an 'x' through it, which means 'no girls can touch my package.' I don't want you touching my special package, because it's really important to me, and I'm going to do something special with it. So quit trying to touch my package, because no girls can touch it."

I'm so glad we've got that settled.

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