"HEY!" Po hollered. "She touched my privacy!"
Trying to suppress a guffaw with no help from my sister, who was hanging in the bathroom with us, I said "Well, tell her not to."
"No, you tell her."
"No, Po, you tell her. It's your body, so you need to tell her. Say 'Campbell, please don't touch my penis,'" I advised.
"No. You tell–HEY! She touched it again!"
As my sister and I started snickering, Cam giggled and said "Mommy! Penis!"
It was all over. As the adults busted up, Po said "Mommy, I don't like her touching my privacy" while floating spread-eagle on his back, taking up 99% of the tub.
"Well, Po," I said, "then don't make it so available."
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