Monday, July 30, 2012

Life Alert

Po just called me over. "Mommy, I think you should check this out."

"What is it?"

"It's something you might want to get," as he rewound the DVR. "If you have a heart attack or fall down or you can't breathe or something. Check it out."

It was a Life Alert commercial.

"You think I need that, Po?" Big was chuckling from the other room.

"Well, I think it could be useful if you have a heart attack or something. I mean, maybe when you're older."

"How old do you think I should be?" I cautiously inquired.

"Hmmmmm. Well, let me rewind again and see if it tells us."

He did. And it didn't. I guess, for now, that magic age will remain a mystery. He looked me up and down and determined I'd just need to be "older." I think I'll wait a few years before adding it to my wish list.

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