Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Domino Affect

Po has a loose tooth–his first–that I've been monitoring like the Hope Diamond. Our second-to-last check-in before the just-after-tucking-in check-in is while he's brushing his teeth after his evening bath. 

"How's the tooth?" I played off the parental panic and wonder and made it seem all casual.

"Fine." Po said, and let me wiggle it for the umpteenth time today. "Mommy, when this tooth falls out and the big one comes in, will the big one make the other ones fall out one by one by one like dominoes?"

"Great question, Po." I was relieved to take the pressure off that one tooth for a minute. "It doesn't really work like that. But once the first one falls out, you'll probably get another loose one. And then over the course of the next few years, your teeth will all gradually fall out." 

Cam interjected. "Well, if I chew really hard on a domino, I bet my tooth will get loose."

Before I had a chance to provide her with a dissertation about how chewing on a domino wasn't the answer to keeping up with her big brother in the tooth department, Po reasoned, "Cam, you're way younger than me, and you probably won't lose a tooth for eighty-nine more years, so don't even chew on a domino."

"Okay," she agreed, and continued to brush her well-rooted baby teeth.

Sometimes big brothers have all the answers.  

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