Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Secret to Everlasting Beauty

You know how you just want to eat your kids sometimes? In a good way?

I was having that feeling about Po, so I gave him a snuggle and asked, "how in the world did you get to be so handsome? I mean, you're really somethin' else. Can you please teach me? How do you do it?"

He looked himself up and down and told me the secret. "I guess you just wear a random shirt or something."

Thank goodness. I've been doing that all along.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Lesson in Dating

At dinner this evening, Po had some dating advice for Cam. You see, he's ultra-sensitive about people who chew with their mouths open. It's the gag reflex in him.

"Cam, you really shouldn't eat like that. It's gross, and when you go out with a boy, you can't chew with your mouth open."

She looked at him oddly. "When I go out with Justin Bieber, I have to shut my mouth to eat?"

"Yes, but you haven't even seen Justin Bieber, Cam."

"Yes, I have," she retorted.

"Mommy," Po asked. "Has Cam seen Justin Bieber in this house before?"

"Well, if she means on TV," I reasoned, "then I suppose she has."

"See, Po, I have!" Cam agreed. 

Po looked at me, sighed, and rolled his eyes. "Girls." 

I wonder if Justin Bieber chews with his mouth open.