Thursday, May 9, 2013

your mind's eye

I was helping Po study his spelling words last night, and he was having a tough time focusing.

"Po, you know this word. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Picture the word how it looks when you read it (he's a great reader)," I told him.

He explained, "when I try to picture something like that, all I see is atoms and black. I know that scientists say you can't see atoms, but you can when you close your eyes. I don't see the spelling word."

Well, of course.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Benefits of Having an Ankylosaurus Around

Po's school had a book fair today, and he, naturally, chose a non-fiction book about dinosaurs. He was skimming it on the way home, telling us what he knew from the pictures and the few words he could read.

"OH, GUYS," he said, "this is the Ankylosaurus. I know a lot about him. He has big plates on his back and a club on his tail to protect him from creditors."

How many of us would love to have one of those around?