Thursday, September 16, 2010

And I Thought I Knew About Beeswax

The things you think you know!

Porter is such an inquisitive kid. He teaches me things every day. How would I know that a trash truck that accepts refuse in the back is called a rear-loader or that a Brontosaurus never really existed or that the train car behind the engine that holds all the coal is called a "tender," if not for this child? He asks challenging questions every day, and I try my best to find the answers. Sometimes I'm shocked at what I don't know.

Tonight over a candlelit dinner he asked "Where do candles come from?"

"Wax." Sometimes I hope he'll accept the simple answer. Has it happened, yet?

"Where does wax come from?"

"Bees." Another cop-out on my part.

"What is the job of a bee?"

"Bees make honey and wax," I knew.

"How do they make wax?" There it was. My knowledge base had been tapped, and my three-year-old was making me feel stupid again. Am I the only one who doesn't have a flippin' clue how bees make wax? All I remember from second grade science is that bees make wax, and I don't remember questioning further. These annoying and often inconvenient genes must have come from my husband.

"I have no idea, honestly. Let's find out." We tromped over to the computer and found this:

And, no, I'm not going to summarize for you. If you really want to know, read the whole damn thing like I had to do. I tried to get away with the first two paragraphs, but even though Po can't read, he knew there were more words. Can't a mom just be lazy sometimes? Not with this kid.

If you don't feel like reading the whole thing, call Po and ask him how beeswax is made. The cool thing is, if you ask him how he knows, he'll tell you his mommy taught him. I'm not worthy.

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