Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wasting Water

I'm a huge stickler about water waste. I use the minimum, and I expect my kids to do the same. I'm not some freak that doesn't take showers or doesn't water the lawn, but I do turn the water off while brushing my teeth, and I yell at my husband for admiring himself in the mirror too long while the water is warming up in the shower...a real environmentalist.

This afternoon I encountered some seriously stuck-on food on a pan while, simultaneously, one kid wanted a show on and another kid wanted some milk and another kid wanted his homework paper signed while my phone was ringing...

I just had to get that stuck-on food off the pan, but needed to multi-task to survive, so I did the unthinkable. I ran the water into the pan, and then abandoned it in order to turn on a show for Po. As I'm working the remote he says, "Mommy, I think you're wasting Wa-a-a-t-e-r-r-r!"

Guilty as charged. Why must I train him so well?

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