He has this tendency to choose to cross an aisle RIGHT when someone is trying to pass with a cart or squeeze by to grab a bunch of broccoli, and he has had about 99 near-death experiences because of this, not to mention the fact that people almost get whiplash trying to stop in time so as not to run him over. I know this is a tough concept (the "I'm not the center of the world and there are other people who exist and move around me" one), so I'm patient, but I do make him say "excuse me" each time he narrowly avoids a collision. Thank goodness people are always friendly about it.
We were in the grocery store today and the produce section was pretty crowded, so I knew it would be a challenge. He had a couple of near misses, and, then, for the first time, he allowed someone else's cart to pass between us...in front of him...and he looked...and he stopped...he yielded! I gave him a smile, but didn't say anything.
Once the person passed and he was in the clear, he darted over to me and said "Mommy! I have to tell you something. My body was telling me that it wanted to go, but my other body was telling me that I should stop. I listened to the stop body!"
"Way to go, Po!" High 5's all around.
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