Sunday, October 17, 2010

Urgent Eye Exam

I was trying to get Po dressed quickly this morning because we were late for a play date. Of course, he had other things to do, which was making me frustrated on top of rushed. Never a good thing.

As I'm in close quarters with him trying to help him pull his pants up, etc., he keeps shoving this crystal thing in my eye. So then I couldn't see what I was doing, adding even more to my frustration. He kept saying something I was trying to tune out about the fact that he was a doctor and had to check my eyes...

I finally said "If I let you check my eyes for a minute, will you please put that thing DOWN and GET DRESSED?"

"Um...yeah, of course." he said.

So I put the dang pants down and opened my eyes wide for my exam. He looked and looked. One eye, then the next, then back again.

"Well. I don't know what to say. I think there's a problem with your pupil."

Of course there is. My pupil? I should have known all along.

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