Monday, October 4, 2010


Porter loves to watch garbage truck and train videos on YouTube. I just type in the request, and he's good to go. We've never had an issue...he just points and clicks.

The other day he was doing his thing and suddenly emitted a cry of panic. "I don't want to see these grown-up videos! Ahhhhhhhhhh! Grown-up videos! I don't WANT these GROWN UP VIDEOS!"

It took my brain a second to click on, and then I thought, Oh, BLEEP. My mind immediately went to the worst, and as I bolted and hurdled across the room to the computer, things seemed to be in slow-motion. And the horrific slide show of the nude and lewd streamed through my mind in fast-motion.

I didn't want to know what he had stumbled upon that was obviously disturbing him greatly.

But I had to look.

I had to turn it off.

I fish-tailed around the desk and saw the horror.

Flower arranging.

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